If You Lived in Zambia

What would it be like to live in Zambia?

It's impossible to completely describe, it but this chart is a good place to start.

Just consider a few of these stats.
  • Life expectancy: While our life expectancy is near 80 years, Zambia's is closer to 50. Some of us would already have died! 
  • Income: A person who makes $60,000/year, could expect to make $2,000/year!
  • Health care: Zambian's pay much less for health care - not because it costs a lot less, but because most people can't afford to get ANY health care.
  • Electricity and oil use: They use a lot less oil and electricity, because most people don't have cars or electricity!
  • Family size: If you have two children in your family now, you would be more likely to have six children in your family in Zambia. 
Other stats not in the chart:
  • Sanitation: In rural Zambia (such as the area of WCS), less than 2% of homes have flushing toilets. About 18%, use the bushes, no sanitation facility at all. The rest, about 80% use a latrine, mostly dry latrines (the holes fill up and the latrine is moved to another place).
  • Water: In rural Zambia (such as the area of WCS), about 4% would have some kind of tap water (could be in the house, from a outdoor faucet, or from a public faucet). About 66% rely on ground water (wells or springs) and 25% on surface water (rivers, lakes, etc). Of the 66% who use ground water, only 25% are using water from a mechanically drilled well (borehole) which is cleaner, more dependable, and long-lasting. WCS has a borehole.
  • Education: almost half of all children (47%) who are enrolled in school doing not complete a primary school education!
How big is Zambia?
  • Compared to Oklahoma: 4.15 times larger
  • Compared to Texas: 1.08 times larger


Ed and Donna Edwards